Opportunities Unlimited

Rebuilding Lives. One step at a time.

Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Opportunities Unlimited’s CARF accredited HCBS program provides specialized support services to individuals with a range of abilities. Goals are developed by collaborating with the individual, family, support system, and case managers to implement a person-centered plan. This goal- driven program focuses on maintaining and improving the individual’s independence at home and in the community, which are provided by trained staff. The HCBS program offers supported community living (SCL) services as well as individual and group respite.  Opportunities Unlimited provides services under the following waivers:

SCL Services may include:

  • Compensatory Strategy Development
  • Budgeting/Financial Management
  • Cooking Skills/Meal Planning
  • Appointment Setting
  • Personal Advocacy
  • Recreational and Social Skills Training
  • Community Based Functional Skills Training
  • Advocacy for Medical Care
  • Daily Planning/Memory Aids

Admission Criteria

The person to be served:

  • Meets the eligibility criteria set by the viable funding source
  • Is not displaying behaviors so severe that the individual poses a threat to self or others
  • Has the potential to benefit and participate in Home and Community-Based Services

Discharge Criteria

The person to be served:

  • Has improved to the level of no longer needing home and community-based services
  • No longer has a viable funding source
  • Is demonstrating behaviors that are harmful to self or others
  • Has failed to pay for services, even after the funding sources has been given appropriate and reasonable notice for payment
  • Has shown inconsistency with participation of scheduled services

What is a Waiver?
How much will it cost?
Are you eligible for HCBS services through Medicaid?
Waiver Homes

For more information on Home and Community Based Services in Iowa, please visit the Iowa Department of Human Services website at https://dhs.iowa.gov/.

Apply for HCBS Services

HCBS Outcomes

Learn about HCBS Outcomes

Important Contacts:

Opportunities Unlimited: 712-277-8295
DHS in Woodbury County: 712-255-0833
Plymouth & Sioux Counties: 712-737-2943
Siouxland Mental Health: 712-202-0173
Amerigroup Iowa, Inc.: 800-600-4441
UnitedHealthcare Plan of the River Valley, Inc.: (800)464-9484